
1. Register the widget

Return to Visual Studio Code. In the left navigation, expand src > widgets and click on custom.js to open it.

  • Add the following script right below the vimeo section we worked on earlier. = function (widgetPath) {

		function content(container$, widgetData) {
			$.get(widgetPath + ".html", function (data) {

		XCC.W.registerCustomWidget("LAB8498 Box", "box", content);

The name of the widget is box as seen from the line that starts with = function() . We need to add that exact name to the appropriate variable. This is a custom widget that is NOT replacing an existing ICEC widget. We can add it to the XCC.X.customWidgetsDEV array.

  • Click File > Save to save the update you just made.

Return to the ICEC page using your browser.

  • Click Customize > Engagement Center Settings > Customization Files > Upload File

  • Navigate to the location of the custom.js that you saved in an earlier step. Select it and click Open. You should receive a result similar to the screen below, confirming the file was uploaded.

2. Add the bBx widget to the Box page
  • Click on the navigation link for Box to be taken to that page. Validate by looking for the page title and the ?page=box in the URL displayed by the browser.
  • Click Customize > Widgets > Create Widget.

Warning If the widget does not show up in the list, bring up your developer console and reload the page after clearing the cache as was done in a previous exercise.

  • Select the LAB8498 Box widget from the list. In the ID field enter a unique name LabBox and click Create.

The widget is added to the page and you can interact with the widget to view files.

3. Add Edit capability to the widget

The token to access the Box folder is hard coded in the widget, but we would like to make it editable. As we saw with the Hello World example, you can add an edit and save dialog to the widgets. Let’s try to do the same here for the token.

  • Edit the custom.js, add the following code to the box widget section, right below the function content (...), and redeploy it as we have done previously. NOTE: You will be replacing the registerCustomWidget code as well.
		var boxConfig = {
			token: ''
		function editor(container$, widgetData) {
			// get the saved settings, if any
			var savedSettings = XCC.T.getXccPropertyByName(

			var boxSettings = savedSettings
				? JSON.parse(savedSettings.propValue) //JSON.parse(savedSettings.propValue)
				: {token: ''};
			var editFields = [
				$('<label><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon"><span class="xccEllipsis" style="float: left;">Token' +
						'</span></span>' +
						'<input value="' + boxSettings.token + '" type="text" id="tokenName" class="form-control xccEllipsis ui-autocomplete-input formInput" autocomplete="off"></div></label>')
			return editFields;

		function save(container$, widgetData) {
			var token = container$.find("input[id=tokenName]").val();
			boxConfig = {
				token: token
			// persist the values as a property of this widget

		XCC.W.registerCustomWidget("LAB8498 Box", "box", content, editor, save);

The two new function added, editor and save allow us to offer a field to type in the token to configure the widget.

  • Edit index.js and replace the entire content with the following:

import React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import App from "./components/App";

const container = document.querySelector(".boxcontainer")

let token;
if (typeof XCC !== 'undefined') {
    var data =;
    var widgetData = data.find(function(obj) {
        return obj.contentType === "LAB8498 Box";

    const savedSettings = XCC.T.getXccPropertyByName(widgetData, "boxConfig");

    var boxSettings = savedSettings
        ? JSON.parse(savedSettings.propValue)
        : { token: "" };

    token = boxSettings.token;
} else {
    token = "";

render(<App token={token} />, container);

In order to make the updates to the widget available to ICEC we are going to run a build task that packages all the required files/changes and deploys them to our Development server under the /build/public directory and also under the dist directory.

  • Issue the following command from a terminal window while in the src/widgets/box directory.
npm run build
  • Back in your browser, refresh the Box page to see the changes.

  • Edit the widget and you should now see the option to add your Developer Token, this can be useful as the Developer Token that Box provides is only valid for 1 hour. It also provides a good example on adding edit capabilities to a widget.

You can now make updates to the widget as you iterate through your code, run a build process, and test. When you are ready to deploy to production, perform the following steps.

4. Deploying to Production

Now that you have completed development of your widget, you want to deploy it to the ICEC server. Every time you run a build process the minified version of your code is added to the dist folder. You can take all the files from that directory and upload them to the ICEC server under customization.

To switch from your development server to the ICEC server for serving the files, update the custom.js file and switch the location of the widget registration from the XCC.X.customWidgetsDEV array to the XCC.X.customWidgetsPROD array.

	// These should custom Widgets you created and/or are making available.
	XCC.X.customWidgetsDEV = [

	// These should out of the box widgets that you are replacing (overriding) with your own (can be derivative work or new). Example: "communityOverview"
	XCC.X.replaceWidgetsDEV = [

	// These should custom Widgets you created and/or are making available.
	XCC.X.customWidgetsPROD = [ 

Refresh your browser cache and the widget will load from the ICEC server instead of your development server.