The CSS Grid Example

We are going to build a very simple HTML widget that will contain a few div tags and include a custom CSS file. This exercise is going to help us get familiar with how to use the tools provided to create, package, and deploy a widget.

1. Create a new widget

We will now create a new widget and name it cssgrid; the name is important to follow along in the exercises. In a Visual Studio Code, terminal window make sure that you are in the icec-widgets-starter directory.

  • issue the following command:
node scripts/createWidget.js cssgrid html

create widget

2. Initialize the widget

The default widget comes with a set of JavaScript modules and build tools pre-configured. We need to install them. Switch to the directory that was just created.

  • run npm install
cd src/widgets/cssgrid

npm install

3. Adding sample code to the cssgrid widget

In the left navigation for Visual Studio code, expand the src/widgets/cssgrid folder, if you do not see the cssgrid folder, click on the refresh icon on the top right to update your folder list.

edit cssgrid widget

  • Click on the index.html to modify it. Copy and paste the following html markup into it
<div class="mpcontainer">
  • Save the file.
4. Build the widget

In order to make the widget available to ICEC, we are going to run a build task that packages all the required files and deploys them to our Development server under the /build/public directory and also under the dist directory.

  • Issue the following command from a terminal window while in the src/widgets/cssgrid directory.
npm run build
  • From the Visual Studio Code Explorer on the left panel, navigate to the src/widgets/cssgrid/dist directory and review the files there.

  • Repeat the above step for the build/public folder.

5. Verify that you can access the widget
  • Open a browser window and try accessing the widget using the url https://<yourdevserver>/cssgrid.html.